
We are called by our Baptism to actively live our Catholic Faith by proclaiming the Word of God, Jesus Christ, in all that we say and do, serving God's people and building a community filled with the Holy Spirit that is nourished by Scripture and Sacraments.

Seasonal and Special Information

Please note that weather related schedule changes will be noted on our webpage as soons as possible.  

Message from the Pastor

11th Sunday in Ordinary Time (A)                June 18, 2023

A letter from our Pastor

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Our gospel reading (Matthew 9: 36-10:8) presents us with the twelve apostles: Simon, called Peter, Andrew, James, John, Philip, Bartholomew, Thomas, Matthew, James, Thaddeus, Simon from Cana and Judas. They all have to learn what discipleship is about. And they will, as us, at an uneven pace. First, they are instructed to go to “the lost sheep of Israel.” This phrase from Ezekiel 34:2-6, points to a group within Israel, including those who  were alienated or excluded from mainstream Judaism: tax collectors, folks involved in disreputable trade or those not interested in the Mosaic law at all. Jesus, the Good Shepherd, wants to bind them together as one people and remind them that they were created and are still loved by God regardless of their choices.

The Twelve, without realizing it yet, are being prepared to bind the entire humanity worldwide as one. For that reason, they will have to go outside their comfort zones and preach Good News to all nations. Why? Because God is inclusive and not exclusive. As all believers need to be.

Eventually Matthean Jesus will send out the Twelve to make disciples in the entire world (Matthew 28:19).

In the Gospel reading, Jesus looks at the crowd hungry for the Word of God and sees a great spiritual harvest. As people were hungry for God in Jesus’ time, so they are in our era. We too are called to cure the sick by administering care at home, making appointments with physicians for them or transportation to the doctor’s office.

We can raise the  dead in their faith by being kind people, offering others hope, love or by providing a simple lesson about our beliefs.

We also can drive out demons of depression and negativism, by showing others the positive side of life, offering good advice and right council.

The seeds we plant must be nurtured , so must be nurtured the commitment to God. Without that no community can sustain its wellbeing and growth.
Many parishioners told me how much they love Kathleen Donaldson’s painting of our church building. They find it’s picture on the front cover of the bulletin very inviting and welcoming.  So do I. I am very grateful to this wonderful artist for donating her art and time. It will also be used on our letterhead.

I enjoy watching shorebirds. We have many species of sea galls, including laughing galls. They are very intelligent and learn from each other. They also mate for life. I have seen their technique   of eating clams or oysters.  They fly over pavement and drop it on hard cement which opens the shell. Once the shell opens, they have a delicious snack.

Elon Musk, Steve Wozniak, Jaan Tallinn and many others co-signed an open letter (March 22) demanding a pause in artificial intelligence research.  Artificial intelligence can be helpful in many ways, for example; robotic surgery, health care managements, financial services, agriculture, and google maps.  On the other hand, it can be a very serious threat for the entire humanity due to opening the door to controlling us and destroying us. Additionally, artificial intelligence will never be emphatic or compassionate. Its decision will be based on calculation.

I question if they signed the letter because artificial intelligence is dangerous to the human race or because they became scared that artificial intelligence will end the domination of digital corporations which collect all information about us and manipulate it. It will break their monopoly. Also, it will bring an end to 1% of the super-rich and powerful individuals who control the world.

I had an enjoyable lunch visiting with the teachers and volunteers of St. Egbert’s School. Thank you for your dedication to our school and students.

I am grateful to Nancy Guthrie, the Acting Administrator. Our school family was blessed through your loving care and leadership.

Thank you Larry and Samantha Hickman for inventing me to your home for Cajun lunch. Our conversation of New Orleans brought back memories to me of my visit there.   

I officiated at the Quinceanera of Luz Nelli Mendez Castillo. I am happy for her and her family. May God watch over her always. Felicidades en tus Quince Anos!

Pope Francis underwent abdominal surgery. He is resting comfortably. Pray for his recovery.

The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops just gathered in Orlando, Florida but synodality, promoted by Pope Francis, was not on their agenda. Pope Francis needs to keep going to sustain the Church’s renewal process. Keep him in your prayers.

In Christ,
Fr. Ryszard


Photo Albums

Photo Albums Two


  • Due to local active Covid cases, Communion will only be distributed on the hand.
  • During Ordinary Time, Altar Flowers may be given in honor or memory of a loved one.  Please contact Cherie Amedy at the Parish Office, 252-726-3559, for more information.


Faith Formation (Sunday School) Schedule 2023-24

Registration for the 2023-24 Sunday School year will begin the third weekend in August.  


Updating Census

We are in the process of updating our parish census. We are asking all member families to click on the link below which will take them to a census form where you can make changes in your family listing in our parish directory, ie, address, emails, phone changes, additional children (or removing children who no longer live here, etc. Please do this as soon as possible.

Parish Census Form

New Parishioners!

Please take a moment to complete the parish registration form by clicking on the link below:

Parish Registration Form


The New Bern Regional Office of Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Raleigh is offering NEW programs to service our communities:

Senior Pharmacy -- For qualified seniors -- Assistance paying for: Medications related to Chronic Health Conditions; Limited Medical Supplies; and Health Topic Information.

Emergency Assistance -- Emergency Rent or Utility Assistance; Case Management; Job Search and Budgeting

Disaster Assistance -- When Available: Emergency Rent or Utility Assistance; Home Repair; Case Management

502 Middle Street, New Bern 28560


Hours: Mon-Thurs, 8:30 AM -12 Noon; 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Donate Now at http://www.catholiccharitiesraleigh.org/donate and Select ``Direct Your Gift: New Bern Deanery


A Caseworker from Catholic Charities will be onsite the 3rd Wednesday of each month, 10 AM to 1 PM. 

Providing Help -- Creating Hope -- Serving All

Online Giving

Online GivingYou can now make your offertory donations online by using the link below.

Access Online Giving


Mass Times

Saturday 5:00 PM
Sunday 8:00 AM, 9:30 AM (Spanish), 11:00 AM,

(Weekday Mass Schedule Subject to change)
Monday 9:00 AM
Tuesday 9:00 AM (Communion in absence of a priest)
Wednesday 12 Noon
Friday 9:00 AM

Other Services
Reconciliation Saturdays 4:15-5 PM

Google Map


Office Hours

Monday-Friday: 8:00 AM –4:00 PM
Closed Noon to 1:00 PM for Lunch




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