Liturgical Ministries

There are many different opportunities at St. Egbert to serve our liturgical community.

Lectors -- Those who proclaim the Word of God to the community at Mass. We usually utilize two Lectors at each weekend liturgy. Training is provided. For information on becoming a lector, contact  Roni Stanley at

Eucharistic Ministers -- Those who assist the ordained clergy in serving the Body and Blood of Christ at our liturgical celebrations. They also are commissioned to take the Eucharist to the sick and shut-ins throughout our community. Training is provided and they are commissioned by the Bishop to serve in this ministry for three years. For information on becoming a Eucharistic Minister, contact Christine Bryk at

Altar Servers -- Young people who serve the needs of the priest around the altar in preparing the table at the Mass. Vested in white albs, they add a touch of dignity to our liturgical celebrations. Servers can be in 4th Grade and up. For information on becoming a server, contact Joe McKenzie at

Ushers/Greeters -- The first face that people see when they arrive at our church doors. We need friendtly people who can make people feel welcome, assist in finding seats when crowded and help take up the collection. For information on becoming an ushers, contact Joe McKenzie at